16 March 2011

A Few Truths

I just want to make a quick note of a few things I have learned to be certain in the past week. 

1. Dogs like to be outside. That being said, it's okay to stick them in the back yard with some chew toys while you clean the house/do dishes/do other things crucial to your mental health. Don't feel bad because you're not playing with them 24/7. They can handle it.

2. When planning an elaborate gift with many parts dependent on other people, plan VERY MUCH ahead of time. Even if the rest of the team contributing to the present has the best of intentions, everyone has their own lives and own stuff to handle. So to be safe, give a couple weeks advance notice. 

3. No-Chew spray is a gift from God.

4. Medicine can be your friend. I hate taking medicine and I hate going to the doctor. But I'm on day 1 of antibiotics and I'm already starting to feel better. Sometimes, your body just needs it. 

5. Most things that I people stress over are not worth it. Trust me on this one. Generally, unless someone's physical (or mental) health is at stake, you can afford to take a breath and chill out. Some stress can be good. Pulling your hair out is never good. 

Happy Wednesday! 

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