06 June 2011

The Slimdown Throwdown

Not even joking, that is the name that my dear Rex has given our new health and fitness kick. Not that I'm surprised at all... but anyway, I just wanted to inform y'all that if I start getting complain-y or grouchy in posts, it's because I'm being deprived of desserts, Cokes, and Chik-Fil-A. And doing P90x cardio three times a week (my inner thighs have been threatening to secede from the rest of my legs all day).

However, since we're planning a vacation next January to Destin (and because Rex went into crisis mode about his weight gain since high school), neither of us feel like we're in the position to be parading scantily clad around the beach for a week and a half. We figured if we started 7 months in advance, we'd have some room for error. Plus, homeboy wants to lose 30 pounds, and that takes a little while if you're not even overweight to begin with (ahem, someone's being a bit dramatic...but don't tell him I said that, I'm being supportive!).

Anyway, we took measurements and everything, and I'm kind of excited! I never necessarily took on the Freshman 15 or anything, but I could stand to get in better shape, if only for the sake of health (and looking better...let's be real ladies, who out there wouldn't mind losing a pound or two?). Anyway, that's our newest adventure at our house! This will be my inspiration when my sweet tooth is yelling at me:

Hah! Not. I will never look like that. Which I am okay with! Not everyone is meant to be blonde and boob-y with skinny thighs. But we'll see how it goes!

Also, sweet Bear escaped from the yard on Saturday, giving me and Rex a heart attack (mostly just me, but you know that). But no worries, some saint took him to the pound and we picked him up after only a few hours. Now the sweet boy is enjoying sleeping in bed with me and getting lots of treats. Crisis averted!

Well, that's all for this week so far! Hope you're all starting off the new week well! Maybe this will help cheer you up...

Heehee! Too cute. Happy Monday, all! 

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