30 January 2011


Well, it's been a little while, huh? I guess I've been extremely scattered for the last 40+ days. And by 40+ days, I actually mean 18+ years. But, I'm choosing not to focus on that! Positivity has never been one of my strong points. But it does not do to dwell in negativity. This is one thing I can say with certainty. Of course, it is much easier to say that now; I've had a great day, complete with Mike Birbiglia's stand up, a three-hour nap, and my favorite hymn at church this morning. I'm practically radiating positivity. But if I wanted to, I could very easily (and proficiently) focus completely on the things in life I'm unhappy with as of late. I've always been good at concentrating only on why I should be sad. How unhealthy, right? And impractical. Single-minded focus on one element of life is just silly. But, I digress. I created this blog as an exercise in emphasizing beautiful things in everyday life. So, that's what it will continue to be! 

My favorite picture ever? A solid yes. Have I mentioned yet how lucky I am? I'll keep the gushing to a minimum, because I'm not very good at it, but he's a sweetheart. Exhibit A:

The typewriter he gave me as an early Valentine's present. 

It's the best gift I've gotten since... well, since The Avett Brothers tickets that he gave me for Christmas. A better gift-giver have you ever met? I mean, my fingers have been bruised all weekend from learning to use it well, but that's small potatoes.

I'm also learning to golf! Slowly, that is. But I have a decent swing down, and Rex and I went to the driving range yesterday and I didn't do too badly. So, I'm pleased! And sore. I don't use my arms much in normal life. I also cut all my hair off this week, and I'm really happy with it. School hasn't been too overwhelming yet, which is miraculous in its own right. I'm in the middle of Eat, Pray, Love, which is incredibly encouraging. I love the book like a dear friend. I also have sweet, sweet friends, and a precious family. 

That's all for today. Hope you're happy.

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