07 February 2011


Home again, home again. How's a poor girl to survive in dreary ol' Lubbock after a weekend in this...

...yeah, I don't know either. 

What a week! As I'm sure you know, Texas got rocked by a horrendous, sub-zero, life-altering storm (or so I heard, it kind of just felt like winter to me). Clearly the snow gods are angry at Texas. Or happy, depending on how you look at it. But it was an adventurous seven days for us at the Tokyo Rose...

1) Tuesday morning: Pipes freeze. Therefore, no hot water in the kitchen, no cold water in the bathroom. AKA we have to manually fill the tank in the toilet anytime we want to use it. Mostly just comical, really. 
2) Tuesday afternoon: Internet ceases to work. Thanks AT&T! We're still waiting on a new modem to bring us out of the stone age. No cable and no internet to speak of?! What're two college students to do?!? (I secretly love it. No shame.)
3) Wednesday morning: Heat goes out. It got down into the 40's in the house! I made a nest of blankets and books and coffee in the floor in front of the fireplace and survived the day just fine. Luckily, the heater-man fixed it by late afternoon.
4) Thursday afternoon: Kitchen pipes clog. Judes and I had to bail out the five inches of freezing cold, murky, dirty, skunky water filling up our sink with drinking cups. Then the dishwasher overflows with the same breed of water filling up the sink. Delicious!
5) Thursday night: Kitchen pipe bursts. The climax of the week! As sweet Rex is working on the sink, suddenly, from the corner of the sink underneath the washing machine hook-ups, comes a dynamite-like pop followed by a long, impressive hiss. Naturally, my first thought was that the basilisk that lives in our heater (Have I not told you about him? He likes to bang and clank around when we shower...) finally broke free. I was running to grab the Sword of Gryffindor that I keep above my bed, when Rex spouted forth with expletives and promptly tore out of the house, through the yard, and into the alley. With all life-saving credit due to Rex and our dear friend Landon, the water got turned off before anything flooded. A plumber came and fixed everything the next morning, which was another adventure in and of itself. 
6) Friday afternoon: Judy and I decide, very spur of the moment, very spontaneous, very unlike sweet Jude, to join the boys on their ski trip to Taos! And then to continue on, Saturday morning, on a day trip to Colorado! So beautiful! So picturesque! So made up for the rest of the week! Since I've talked entirely too much up until this point, the rest of the post will be photos. I know you're tired of listening to me.

Beautiful Creede, CO! How I love this town. Photo taken by Rex, of course.

Thrift store boots! Judy Roomie's for $9, mine for $5. What a steal! Photo by Rex, again. Maybe this should be his blog...

A view from the treacherous dirt road we found that wound us up into the mountain. My favorite hour of the weekend was this drive.

Dear readers, if you ever find yourself in Creede between the hours of 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM, please, I beg of you, visit Cafe Ole. Get the Rio Grande sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate. It's worth the nine hour drive from Lubbock just for that.

It seems I can't post photos without including one of that sweet guy. Did I mention he saved my house? And drove me to and from Colorado while I slept in the passenger seat? And had a sunflower seed-spitting contest with me on the way home? Perfect match, you betcha.

Sweet Judy Roomie and I! Such a dear, loving friend. I am lucky to be blessed with a housemate who cares for me so much! 

Well, I suppose that's all for me today. I'm sure I'll revisit the 150+ beautiful pictures we took this weekend and feel absolutely compelled to post more. But for now, have a beautiful day!

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