05 April 2011

A Much-More-Important Epiphany

This is my new favorite (and sometimes most difficult) thing, the background on my computer, and soon-to-be a framed print for my living room wall. 

I am officially in a stage of my life that I have dubbed "In Recovery". Much less dramatic than it sounds, trust me. However, I'll explain a little bit of what this means to me.

Supposedly, about 60% of your personal happiness is genetic. The other 40% is within your control, based on attitude, general outlook, decisions, etc. My mother and two of her sisters struggle with depression, so I got the proverbial short end of the genetic stick. But that's no excuse for being a downer (and lately, let's be real, I have been). Yes, chronic depression and anxiety are chemical and/or mental problems within the brain, therefore much more difficult to control, but there is always some effort, no matter how small, you can make to improve your situation. Soaking in the totally devastating, wholly overwhelming, completely consuming powers of a depressive episode is healthy for no one.

All this to say, it's time to pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in.

1 comment:

  1. I have always agreed with this. I have talked to a lot of people and close friends who can't seem to make their lives happier and more satisfying. My mother also suffers from depression and I totally got it. But I've always thought you are the only one responsible for you happiness. A lot of times I think in black and white. But there is so much grey. It is only up to you to sort through it!
