27 March 2012

Flaunt It

I just LOVE it when people are proud of who they are. More specifically, when women are proud of the way they look. Whether that's tall and thin and model-like or short and curvy. I have a dear friend who is just barely over 5 feet and a voluptuous little thing, and she just exudes confidence about it, and I love it.

But, I also know it's easy to not think that way. I am 5'4" and curvy to be sure, and when I try something on that I know would look just SO much better if my hips were a little straighter or my bust was a little bit smaller, it's a little discouraging.

So, here are a few things about myself that I (almost always) love that society probably wouldn't encourage, just to remind myself (and yourself!) that they're beautiful anyway:

- Hips that look a little bit like any extra bit of fat on my body
just decided to settle there and hang out.
- A broken-looking nose. Not Owen Wilson-broken, mind you, just maybe like Owen Wilson
after the first time he broke it, not the fifth.
- The roadmap of scars spanning from the top of my left foot from a run-in with a 2'x4'
to the chickpox scar next to my left eyebrow.
- I wear my glasses pretty often. They're about an inch and a half tall.
That should be all I have to say.
- Calluses and permanently bent fingers that make my little hands look sometimes like a little boy's. But those calluses took a month and a half of climbing to make so I'm pretty darn proud.
- That weird, unfortunate, impossible-to-get-rid-of, under the belly button fat that doesn't go away no matter how many lower ab-workouts I do. Which, consequently, isn't that many. 
- An almost-permanent farmer's tan. I'm not even a redneck....

Be happy with yourselves today, friends! Even though it's hard to do sometimes. You are beautiful! 

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