27 May 2012


I'll be honest, blogging hasn't really been my number one priority lately. Finishing up the spring semester, starting summer classes, finishing my school year job, starting my summer job, preparing for our summer camping trip, moving out of my old house, moving into my new house, trying to get my computer fixed, and trying to get a decent amount of sleep has really taken precedence lately. And, let's be real, getting up to date on How I Met Your Mother has been pretty important too. But, here's a little bit of what's happened since we last talked.

We tried our hand at fly fishing some Lubbock lakes... not too successful, I'm sure you're surprised to hear. But we got to throw using the flies we had tied! That was really cute.

Meet the wooly bugger.

Annnnddd.....Rex graduated from South Plains!! Yay! He'll be at Tech in the fall in the Business program and I'm super excited and proud of him!

For my mom's birthday, we got her tickets to see Dave Matthews Band in Dallas, so we got to do that last weekend! It was a lot of fun, and of course we didn't get a group picture, but it was great to spend time with the family and hear good music.

Otherwise, we've been working and trying to do normal life things...the usual! I hope you're having a good Memorial Day weekend! Be safe and happy and healthy! 

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